

美丽的生活 在现代法国的每一个地方! This incredible country has so much to offer anyone who chooses to study abroad, ranging from historical monuments such as the Eifel Tower to small quaint towns tucked away in the French countryside. Between your host family and your host school you will be able to fully immerse yourself in this rich culture making friends and exploring its history, 美味的菜, 自然景观优美,生机勃勃, 多元文化的城市.

Exchange students are placed with French host families throughout the country. Host families may vary from a single parent without children to a large family with more than one child. Host homes may be apartments or single-family dwellings and placement environments range from urban to small towns. Students may have their own rooms or be expected to share a room with a host sibling of the same gender and similar age.

As an exchange student you will have the amazing opportunity to connect with your host family on a personal level. While in their home you will live like a family member and be expected to participate fully within all aspects of your host family life.


Students on the NWSE program are usually placed in the 11th grade or lower. NWSE students do not take the Baccalaureate (BAC). The BAC is the final exam after the 12th year, for which French students have spent their entire educational careers preparing. Exchange students rarely attend the BAC classes because of the significantly higher level. Principals of the schools will sometimes place exchange students in the 10th grade, 因为这个年级有很多不同的科目, and students can attend a wide variety of classes. The French lycee usually does not allow you to choose your classes: all students in one grade take the same classes.

All classes are taught entirely in French, so students should already have sufficient language comprehension skills before arriving on their exchange. 为了保证这一点, we recommend that students have at least two years of high school level French classes before going on their exchange and/or take appropriate language courses to bring up their language skills. if a student’s language skills are not up to par upon arrival in 法国 they will be required to take language courses for at least two to three weeks to help accelerate language skills acquisition. 这些课程的价格各不相同.

Students have the opportunity to take part in representative-organized excursions in 法国. Students are responsible for any potential costs for participation in these excursions.


To be considered for the program, you must:

  • Be 15 to 18 years of age on the first day of school in 法国
  • Be in 9th – 11th grade at the time you are applying for the program. Students are not placed within the 12th grade due to the fact that 12th grade in 法国 is completely devoted to studying for the Baccalaureate which is taken at the end of the year
  • At least two full years of high school level French
  • Currently attending high school and maintaining a B average
  • 展示成熟, 开放的思想, 考虑, 适应性, as well as other important social and communication skills.
  • 保持良好的身心健康.

* NWSE may consider you for the program with a GPA below 3.0 if you can demonstrate appropriate qualifications in other areas. We are happy to answer any questions about the application requirements.



程序开始 程序结束
学年计划: 8月下旬- 9月初 6月中旬
秋季学期课程: 8月下旬- 9月初 二月中下旬
春季学期课程: 1月初到1月中旬 6月中旬


  • Placement with a carefully screened volunteer host family who provides room and board
  • Supervision by a representative of NWSE in 法国
  • 一所法国高中的录取通知书
  • Pre-departure, post-arrival and re-entry student orientations
  • Orientation for the host family in 法国
  • 建议和咨询, 在需要的时候, throughout the application process and for the duration of your program
  • NWSE certificate of participation upon successful program completion


  • 机票和旅行相关费用
  • Visa related costs (including passport fees and travel expenses to visit the consulate in person in the USA to apply)
  • School supplies (approximately 100-150 Euros)
  • Lunch, if you do not to pack lunch from your host family home
  • Personal spending money to cover personal expenses (approximately $200-250 per month of the duration of the program)
  • Transportation to and from school in 法国 (depending on proximity of host family to school)


接触NWSE 有关课程收费资料. Scholarships (“fee reductions”), based on merit and need, may be available.

“[NWSE’s] choices of school, the host family, and the coordinator were great! My exchange experience supported by NWSE was valuable and memorable. 我想推荐NWSE作为…


“Probably the biggest reward of being an exchange student was being hosted by an amazing family. I couldn’t imagine life without them anymore and I feel like I will be at…


“我真的觉得自己是这个家庭的一员, whenever I had a problem they helped and we got really close. 我可以玩得很开心,还可以和……


“Our biggest reward is that we built such an amazing friendship and feel like we gained another daughter. Our children learned about different cultures and how to be better communicators.…
